Monday, March 12, 2012

Will the animals at toronto humane society be euthanized if nobody want to adopt them after a certain time?

My friend's friend told me that in New Bruswick, animal at the shelters will be euthanized if nobody wants them after a certain period of time.Is that true in toronto?Will the animals at toronto humane society be euthanized if nobody want to adopt them after a certain time?
Can't speak specifically to TO, but in my town, yes..

The good news is that no kill shelters are on the rise, support them with $$$ if you can.
News to me that the Toronto Humane Society is back up and running after recent scandal.

The Toronto Humane Society claims they do not euthanize healthy pets after a certain period of time or in order to free up space. They do euthanize pets that are sick, dying and/or in too much pain.

Many shelters do euthanize animals after a certain timeline has passed. This is more common of cats than dogs due to cat overpopulation problems, a result of irresponsible owners. It's also easier to adopt off an adult dog than an adult cat, because so many prefer kittens which are seemingly always available for free. Puppies are harder to come by and can be quite expensive in their first year. The low cost of cats makes them dispensable to many.Will the animals at toronto humane society be euthanized if nobody want to adopt them after a certain time?
I don't know about in Toronto, but most Humane Society chapters will sometimes send very sick dogs or dogs that cannot be placed even after extensive advertising to Animal Control. To the best of my knowledge, the Humane Society itself does not euthanize any animals, but obviously they cannot permanently keep difficult to place animals, especially cats. The Humane Society is inundated with cats. Oftentimes local rescues will work with their Humane Society and the HS will contact them if there is an animal set to be placed in Animal Control and the rescue will pick the animals up.
Yes most human society's have a time limit the dogs can be there. Some are only 24 hours before the dog is euthanized. Many are 48 hours, lucky ones get a week. Do your best to discourage Back Yard Breeding/breeders and buying from petstores (puppy mills) and you can help stop the euthanisia rate.
Yes! It is true but sad. Wheh someone brings the animal to the shelter they check them out to make sure eveything is okk. Then the put them in a gated kennel and then if no one adopts them between 2 weeks, the put them down to sleep.
Its true in Toronto...its true in Richmond...Its true in Los Angeles...its true in Detroit....and basically all over the place
Yes it's true. Too many animals, not enough homes or shelters for them.
No, they send them to a place that has endless food and happiness everywhere. They actually get to live in a rainbow!!!!!!!!!
No, they will go to a farm with a vast open field where they can chase sheep all day.

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