The distance between Winnipeg, Manitoba and Toronto, Ontario is 940.0 miles(1513.0 km). Depending on how fast you drive and traffic, you're looking at a couple of days driving. Haven't done the drive myself, so I couldn't tell you if it's scenic or not - it's likely pretty flat country though. You could probably "google" Toronto tourist attractions and get a pretty good list of sites to see. And yeah, Montreal is further east, as has been stated, so you're not getting anywhere near there.
Mapquest puts it at a 27 hour drive and 1,300 miles. (People usually ask for the stay in Canada route - you can cut through the US.)
Although a long drive, it is scenic and diverse, starting in the prairies, going through the Canadian shield and along the great lakes.
Montreal is another 6 hours and 340 miles further east.How far is the drive from Winnipeg Canada to Toronto Canada?
About 21 hours 39 mins and 2,224 km according to It is a VERY scenic drive! Enjoy your trip!
You will not go through Montreal. It is 6 hours+ further East.
you wouldn't go through montreal, since quebec is after ontario
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